Takin it to the streets

September 15, 2024
We are saved by grace. That's the centerpiece of our faith: that God loves us so much that God chooses to save us, to redeem us, over, and over, and…

Reach out and touch someone

September 8, 2024
This Sunday’s lectionary readings give us two very, very different healings from Jesus. One a Gentile, the other likely a Jew. One a woman, the other a man. One in…

Mind the gap

September 1, 2024
There were a lot of rules in ancient Judaism. We talk about the Ten Commandments, but there were actually 613 commandments in the Hebrew scriptures. And too often, those who…

Suit up!

August 25, 2024
The Apostle Paul instructs the churches in Ephesus on the proper wearing of the “full armor of God.” I don’t know about you, but these days when I think of…

Solomon’s choice

August 18, 2024
We all have moments in our lives when we face a clear choice: to act wisely or to act foolishly. It’s not always an easy choice to make; it’s not…
Anger is a curious emotion. Mostly, when we feel it, even when we feel it’s justified, it doesn’t feel too good. We wish we felt otherwise. And there’s this feeling…

Follow me

July 28, 2024
This Sunday we'll take a look at one of the little details we don't notice about the feeding of the 5000; namely that it all happened because Andrew, one of…
It seems our society is growing ever increasingly divided. We are divided red and blue, progressive and conservative, straight and LGBTQIA, rich and poor, native and non-native. We are divided…

Dance with me

July 14, 2024
In this weekend's readings, we see David, the warrior and King, do something at least one person thought was unworthy of someone of his position: he danced with all his…