I cannot come down
As Christians we are called to the work of neighbor-love. We are invited to delight in serving one another in the name of Jesus: caring for the lost, the last, and the least.But too often the work of the church gets in the way of the work of being the church. We get bogged down in details that hinder us in our mission of world-transformation. If we only took a step back to look at some of these “issues” that end up clogging our spiritual drain, we’d see that our work, our real work, is greater than all of those distractions.Our primary text is from Nehemiah. If you’re not familiar with Nehemiah, give it a read, or check out this short video: https://tinyurl.com/y6fv59kx (This is not an endorsement of the material advertised at the end of the video, just a link to a video.)